Raccolta di articoli e messaggi relativi alla Conferenza internazionale ASPO-5, organizzata da ASPO Italia, che si è tenuta a San Rossore.
Comments by Rob Hopkins
Rob Hopkins has been posting comments on the presentations of ASPO-5 on his web site "Transitionculture.org" Here are some links
ASPO-5 Speakers' Presentations
This page contains the slides presented by the speakers at the 5th ASPO workshop that was held in San Rossore on June 18-19 2006. The presentations have been reduced in size for easing download; in some cases this has resulted in a loss of quality of the images. If you would like to have higher resolution files, write to the
- Terence Ward: " Iran and the US - Confrontation, Oil Disruption and the Impact" (sorry, presentation not available. A transcript of Mr. Ward's speech can be found at this link)
Summary and Comments by Ugo Bardi
ASPO-5: The Fifth International Conference on Oil and Gas Depletion
July 18 19 2006, San Rossore (Pisa. Italy)
Summary and comments by Ugo Bardi
Aug 23, 2006
The Fifth International Conference on Oil and Gas Depletion (ASPO-5) took place on July 18-19 2006 in the park of San Rossore, not far from the leaning tower of Pisa. Sponsored by a number of organizations, private and public, including the Presidency of the Tuscan regional government and the Italian Ministry of the Environment, the meeting has collected more than 250 participants, 25 experts from all over the world presenting their views, more than 20 poster presentations, more than 30 media representatives and several media teams.
ASPO-5 was the fifth of a series of conferences organized by the Association for the Study or Peak Oil and Gas. A characteristic of this year’s meeting has been the linking of the conference to the political institutions of the hosting country. The ASPO-5 meeting in San Rossore had as sponsors the Italian Ministry of the Environment and the Tuscan Regional Presidency. It preceded and introduced the “New Global Vision” (NGV-2006) conference directly organized by the Tuscan Government, this year with the title “Energy: the problem and the solutions”. The president of Tuscany, Claudio Martini, declared that, in view of the problems of pollution and of dwindling natural resources, a priority for Tuscany is to exit from the dependency on oil by developing renewable energies, already producing about 30% of the region electrical power.
A list of the speakers and of their affiliations is reported at the end of this document. In the following, their contribution is summarized according to the main themes of the conference, which were:
1. Resource assessment. The basis of all depletion studies lies in a geological data assessing the real consistency of the fossil resources.
2. Economics and modelling. It is not enough to know what we have; we must go beyond primitive concepts such as the “resources/production” ratio. We need to model how and how fast the economic system is going to exploit these resources. We also need to know how the dynamics of fossil fuel production is going to affect and is being affected by the economic system.
3. Technology and mitigation. There are several ways to mitigate the problem of the reduced availability of fossil fuels. There are ways to accelerate the finding and enhance the recovery of fossil resources, to shift from one fuel to another, and to rely on new energy sources or new technologies, not based on fossils, i.e. renewables.
4. Policy and politics. The use of mineral resources is strongly affected by political factors and politics can bring solutions to the problem of depletion by encouraging the use of new resources and regulating the use of traditional ones. Substantial changes in lifestyle cannot be avoided and need to be encouraged.
Resource estimations were reported by several speakers. The most comprehensive presentation was probably by Laherrere, who concluded that oil resources are poorly reported and probably overestimated. Data on oil resources were also reported by Aleklett, Bauquis, Campbell, Skrebowsky, Salameh, and others. There seems to be a general consensus that oil resources have been exploited to the point that “conventional” oil is becoming scarce. Gerling presented extensive data on global coal resources, which appear to be relatively abundant in comparison to oil, whereas Kolodzej reported on the North American natural gas which is likely to result in a coming supply crisis owing to the regional nature of the gas market. Bourdaire compared the worldwide resourcesof oil, gas and coal arriving to the conclusion that all three resources could peak before mid 21st century.
Modelling of the future use of the remaining resources was made using variations of the Hubbert approach by Aleklett, Bourdaire, Campbell, Heinberg, Laherrere and Bauquis. Hirsch used a simplified version of the model to address his mitigation scenarios. The Hubbert model was theoretically examined by Michel, while a more sophisticated curve fitting model based on the Bass model is reported by Guseo; by this method, peaking of conventional oil is shown to have taken place in 2005. Dynamic modelling of resources exploitation was presented by Meadows and Trjissenaar. In both cases, the models stress the need of a global view of resource exploitation, well beyond the case of oil alone. Salameh and McKillop discussed the effect of depletion on the world markets and prices, while Barillaro discussed the speculative elements of the oil market. Hall stressed how all models must take into account the concept of EROI (or EROEI), energy return for energy invested and that the EROEI for oil extraction is becoming smaller with time, indicating serious troubles ahead. Leggett linked the depletion problem to that of climate change, emphasizing the potential threat to climate of switching to coal.
On the mitigation side, technological advances in natural gas extraction were reported by Racheli. Hirsch quantitatively examined the possibility of mitigating peak oil by means of various technologies based on other fossil fuels, concluding that the dwindling oil production cannot be countered in this way unless mitigation starts well before the peak. Some of the speakers (mainly Bauquis) favored a return to nuclear energy, whereas Hall showed that the EROEI of nuclear fission is too low for making it a significant alternative to oil. Rock proposed another approach to engineering design based on the concept of net energy profit ratio (NEPR) to take into account depletion. Several new renewable technologies were presented in the poster session.
Policy solutions and political issues were examined from a variety of viewpoints. All speakers invited governments and policymakers to consider the problem of resource depletion and to implement appropriate policies. Campbell and Heinberg reported on the “Oil Depletion Protocol” a proposal to limit the amount of oil extractable from the ground to levels anticipating the predicted decline. Heinberg, Hopkins and Gunther examined a “bottom-up” response to peak oil, where dwindling resources are countered by a cultural and economical re-adaptation; in particular Gunther spoke about "peak food" and about “ruralization” of the present urban agglomerates. Morgan reported on the reaction of the Cuban society to the local scarcity of oil. Metz presented an analysis of the business sectors with a positive selfinterest to engage in the Peak Oil debate. The national ASPOs can find more support for their concerns with such companies - the potential victims of future energy unsecurity and unexpected energy prices - than with most fossil fuel corporations. Sanders went in some detail in examining how the economic and military system of the United States depends on oil resources whereas Ward examined the geopolitical contrast between Iran and the US suggesting that an armed conflict may take place soon. Finally, Prodi, as member of the European Parliament, stated that Europe should be more conscious of the problem and perspectives of peak oil. Other political representatives spoke also at ASPO-5, namely Ryan, Artusa and Roggiolani, all stressing the need of a society less dependent on oil.
Summarizing the results of the conference, there are different views on how serious the depletion problem is and on how fast depletion is taking place. However, when the field is freed from naïve misinterpretations, such as understanding peak oil as meaning that “we are running out of oil”, it seems that a remarkable degree of agreement is emerging. Most analysts admit that we are facing a depletion problem and that the high prices of oil and of all mineral commodities cannot be attributed to contingent factors alone, such as speculation or political factors. For several mainstream analysts, it still seems difficult to pronounce the word “peak oil”, but they can still correctly describe the situation. For instance, Gerard Doucet, president of the World Energy Council, WEC, who spoke at the NGV conference immediately after ASPO-5, stated that we’ll have to get used to higher costs of energy and that these high costs are related to the progressive depletion of “easy” resources.
The main point that is emerging from ASPO-5 and from the discussions before and after it is that “peak oil” is becoming such a commomplace concept that it may be time de-emphasize it. The peak is an important event, but it is not, in itself, a major discontinuity and surely it is not the end of the world. It is, rather, an element of a continuously changing curve where the relevant parameter is the energetic cost (EROEI) of the mineral resource. The EROEI becomes gradually lower as the resource is extracted and it is this change that leads to the gradual peaking and decline of production. There is no real discontinuity in the curve, but the EROEI of oil extraction (or of any mineral energy resource) becomes progressively smaller. In this process, society becomes gradually poorer as it has to invest more and more resources in order to maintain the level of energy and materials input that that people are accustomed to use. This situation is placing a tremendous stress on society, not the least result of which is the series of resource wars which we are seeing and which are hastening the decline.
There are no easy solutions to the present problems but , at least, we can say with Kjell Aleklett, president of ASPO that it is time to sober up!
Kjell Aleklett, Uppsala University, SE
Luca Barillaro, Compendium Consulting, IT
Pierre-René Bauquis, ASPO-France
Jean Marie Bourdaire, ASPO – France
Colin Campbell , ASPO – Ireland
Robert Hirsch, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), USA
Robert Hopkins, Transition Culture, UK
Marek Kolodzeij, University of Illinois, USA
Peter Gerling, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BRG), DE
Renato Guseo, University of Padua, IT
Folke Gunther, Holon Ekosystem, SE
Jean Laherrere, ASPO – France
Jeremy Leggett, Solar Century, UK
Richard Heinberg, New College of California, USA
Andrew McKillop, Ecocentury, Fr
Bertrand Michel, Institute Francais du Petrole, Fr
Dennis Meadows, University of New Hampshire, USA
Paul Metz, Integer-Consult, NL
Francesco Racheli, NP-GE oil and gas, IT
Gregory Rock, Sustainability Watch, USA
Mamdouh Salameh, World Bank, UK
Chris Sanders, Sanders Research Associates, UK
Chris Skrebowsky, Petroleum review, UK
Terence Ward, Independent Expert, USA
Marino Artusa, Tuscan Regional Government
Vittorio Prodi, European Parliament
Fabio Roggiolani, Tuscan Regional Parliament
Eamon Ryan, Irish Parliament
Louis Arnoux IndraNet Technologies Ltd
Ugo Bardi Università di Firenze – Italy
Jan Bloemendal, University of Liverpool - UK
Victor Bronstein University of Buenos Aires – Argentina
Emmanuel Broto, Editions de l'Or Noir - France
Bruno Cernuschi Fries University of Buenos Aires – Argentina
Toufic El Asmar Università di Firenze – Italy
Neil Gavin University of Liverpool – UK
Rosa Hemmers Wissenschaftliche Referentin Landtagsverwaltung NRW - DE
Massimo Ippolito Sequoia Automation – Italy
Yoshinori Ishii University of Tokyo, Japan
Rembrandt Koppellar ASPO- Holland
Zhao Lin China University of Petroleum, Beijing
Bob Lloyd Otago University, New Zealand
Hitoshi Mikada Grad. Schoolof Eng., Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
Faith Morgan, The Community Solution, USA
Shinichirou Morimoto National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan
Yasukuni Okubo National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan
Zhao Qingfei Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Sinopec, Beijing. China
Gregory Rock Sustainability Watch
Bruce Robinson ASPO-Australia
Alessandro Scrivani Università di Firenze – Italy
Simon P. Snowden University of Liverpool – UK
Alexander Tolstoguzov Università di Firenze – Italy
Pang Xiongqi China University of Petroleum, Beijing
Leigh Yaxley Independent Expert, Jakarta, Indonesia
ASPO-5 : Acknowledgements
The organizers of ASPO-5 gratefully acknowledge the support of the following organizations
Public organizations
- Tuscan Regional Government
- Comune di Pisa
- Ministero dell'Ambiente
- Provincia di Pisa
- University of Firenze
- Ecoblog
- Fondazione Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze
- General Electrics-Oil and Gas
- Italbrevetti
- Vectrix Europa
- Veicoli S.r.l.

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(Updated July 15, 2006)
18-19 July 2006 – Parco di San Rossore, Pisa
Sunday, July 16. from 7 p.m., Informal meeting of the participants at the "Caffetteria Dantesca" pub in Pisa, Piazza Dante Alighieri,n. 8. About 10 minutes walking from the central station and 10 minutes walking from the Pisa Tower
Monday, July 17
All day: ASPO Committees meetings, Grand Hotel Duomo, Via S.Maria, 94 - PISA
14:30-18:00 Registration – Grand Hotel Duomo - Via S.Maria, 94 - PISA
18:00 – Reception offered by the Mayor of Pisa, City Hall, Pisa - Palazzo Gambacorti, Piazza XX Settembre.
18:30 – Projection of the film “The Power of Community” (City Hall, Pisa) (limited number of seats available)
Tuesday 18, Parco di San Rossore - Pisa
8:30-10:30 Registration
9:15-9:20 Ugo Bardi (ASPO-Italy), Introduction to the conference
9:20-9:30 Sergio Paglialunga (Director of the San Rossore Park) Welcome Address
9:30-9:45 Marino Artusa (environment ministry of the Tuscan Region) Welcome address on behalf of the Tuscan Regional Government
9:45 - 9:55 Fabio Roggiolani (Tuscan Regional Council) Renewable Energy and Natural Capital
9:55 - 10:15 Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio (Italian Ministry of the Environment). Energy Policy in Italy.
10:15 -10:30 Eamon Ryan (Irish Parliament) Energy Policy in Ireland and Europe
10:30- 11:10 Colin Campbell (ASPO Honorary Chairman) – Keynote speech; The Age of Oil in Perspective
11:10-11:30 coffee break
1st session: PEAK OIL I
Chairman: Rui Namorado Rosa
11:30-12:00 Kjell Aleklett (President, ASPO international), A world addicted to Oil, it is time to Sober up
12:00-12:30 Richard Heinberg, (New College of California; Post Carbon Institute) The Oil Depletion Protocol: A Plan to Avert Oil Wars, Terrorism, and Economic Collapse
12:30 – 13:00 Chris Skrebowsky (ODAC and Petroleum Review), Peak Oil - the Emerging Reality
13:00 – 14:10 lunch
2nd session: PEAK OIL II
Chairman: Roger Bentley
14:10 - 14:50 Robert Hirsch (Science Applications International Corp.) Mitigation of Peak Oil - More Numbers
Keynote Speech
14:50 – 15:20 Jean Laherrere (ASPO-France), Uncertainty on data and forecasts
15:20 – 15:45 Pierre René Bauquis (ASPO-France) What future for hydrocarbons with the incoming peaks of oil and gas?
15:45 – 16:10 Jean Marie Bourdaire (ASPO-France) World Energy and Economy: What perspectives to 2050?
Chairman: Klaus Illum
16:10 – 16:40 Mamdouh G. Salameh, (Oil Market Consultancy Service/World Bank) Peak Oil and the Rising Crude Oil Prices
16:40 – 17:10 Andrew McKillop (Ecohabitat, and Pakistan Wind Energy Programme), The impossibility of "market solutions" to Peak Oil, the emerging financial, monetary and economic crisis, and Energy Transition
17:10 – 17:30 Luca Barillaro (Compendium Consulting), New financial products: their impact on energy markets
17:30 - drinks
17: 30 – 19:30 POSTER SESSION
20:00 – social dinner -
Wednesday, July 19
4th session MODELLING
Chairman: Jean Laherrere
9:00 – 9:40 Dennis Meadows, (Laboratory for Interactive Learning Durham, NH, USA)– Keynote speech, Peak oil and the limits to growth
9:40-10:10 Charles Hall (State University of New York) EROI: The Key Variable in Assessing Alternative Energy Futures
10:10-10:40 Renato Guseo, University of Padova. World Oil Depletion: Diffusion Models, Price Effects, Strategic and Technological Interventions
10:40 -10:55 Anton Trijssenaar (Independent Expert) Jeu de Joule: a world energy model based on system dynamic concepts
10:55 -11:10 Bertrand Michel (Institut Francais du Petrole) Oil Production : A probabilistic model of Hubbert’s curve
11:10-11:30- coffee break
5th session: GAS AND COAL
Chairman: Mariano Marzo
11:30 - 12:00 Peter Gerling (BGR, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany), Coal - the prime energy of the future?
12:00 -12:30 Marek Kolodzej, (University of Illinois) The North American Natural Gas Crisis
12:30 -13:00 Francesco Racheli (GE – Oil and Gas), Technology evolution to monetize 'stranded GAS'
13:00 -14:00 lunch
Afternoon 19
6th session GLOBAL ISSUES I
Chairman: Klaus Bitzer
14:00-14:40 Jeremy Leggett: (SolarCentury), Keynote Speech Peak oil, climate change, and the daunting arithmetic of carbon fuels.
14:40-15:10 Paul Metz (Integer Consult), Peak Oil and Corporate Social Responsibility - CSR
15:10-15:40 Robert Hopkins (Transition Culture) Plan B - enabling relocalisation as a response to peak oil
15:40- 16:10 Folke Gunther (Holon Ecosystem Consultants) Oil depletion and food depletion
7th session GLOBAL ISSUES II
Chairman: Kjell Aleklett
16:20-16:50 Terence Ward, (Independent Expert) Iran and the US - Confrontation, Oil Disruption and the Impact
16:50-17:20 Chris Sanders, (Sanders Research associates) NATO: Out of Area and Out of Oil - the war for energy and the end of free markets
17:20-17:50 Vittorio Prodi, (European Parliament) The European Perspective
17:50-18:15 Kjell Aleklett (President, ASPO international) and Colin Campbell (Honorary Chairman, ASPO international): Conclusion and final Remarks
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ASPO-5 Committee Meetings

56126 Pisa (PI) - 94, VIA S. MARIA
tel: 050 561894
The Hotel is located downtown in Pisa, very close to the "Miracles Square" If you can find the tower, you can't miss the hotel!
The meetings will be the following:
- 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.:
Committee of ASPO International (by invite only.) - 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.:
Meeting of ASPO National representatives and the ASPO International Committee. One (or at maximum two) delegates from each ASPO National organisation (either in existence, forming, or proposed) are invited to attend this afternoon meeting to discuss matters of mutual interest, in particular the relationship between the National organisations and the International Committee. Notes on the afternoon meeting:
- Attendance is entirely at the discretion of each National organisation.
- The maximum of two delegates from any one National organisation is necessary to keep the size of the meeting practical.
- The meeting will discuss a proposed 'ASPO Constitution'. Key aspects of this constitution are likely to be:
- Each National organisation may, subject to the clause below:
- Choose its own name;
- Elect its own officers;
- Raise and spend its own finances as it sees fit.
- Activities of National organisations should be:
- Broadly in keeping with the aims as set out on the title page of the ASPO Newsletter;
- May include campaigning and political actions, but not take such extreme positions as to put the reputation of the ASPO International Committee, nor that of other ASPO National organisations, at risk.
- Each National organisation may, subject to the clause below:
To be registered as participants in these committee meetings, please send an e-mail to Ms.
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San Rossore, Italy, 18th and 19th July 2006
(Organised by ASPO-ITALIA under the direction of Professor Ugo Bardi)
San Rossore, Italy, 18th and 19th July 2006
(Organised by ASPO-ITALIA under the direction of Professor Ugo Bardi)

ASPO (The Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas) was formed in 2000 as an informal network of scientists in European universities and government departments with these declared missions:
It started in a small way, being held together by a newsletter distributed to a handful of people as a convenient medium by which to exchange ideas on a subject that was then far from the mainstream of public awareness. The next step came with the organisation of an International Workshop at Uppsala University in 2002. It was followed by succeeding annual conferences in respectively Paris, Berlin and Lisbon, which attracted increasing attention by participants, numbering several hundred, and growing media coverage. The circulation of the ASPO Newsletter rose in parallel, being also reproduced on several websites. Meanwhile members of the network continued work on the difficult tasks of assembling valid data and modelling depletion.
World events in the Middle East then intervened to draw attention to the issue of Peak Oil, followed more recently by soaring oil and gas prices as capacity limits begin to bite. At first, the reaction was to accuse the producing governments for holding the world to ransom or blame natural disasters for interruptions, but gradually the resource constraints imposed by Nature began to be appreciated.
In short, it can be said that the First Half of the Age of Oil comes to an end. It last 150 years and saw the rapid expansion of industry, transport, trade and agriculture allowing the population to expand in parallel. It also saw the growth of financial capital as banks lent more than they had on deposit, confident that the promise of energy-driven economic expansion offered collateral for debt. The subject of economics was designed to understand and manage a market economy, which in turn gave rise to the politics of the modern world, dedicated primarily to economic growth.
Now, the Second Half of the Age of Oil dawns, and will be marked by the decline of oil and all that depends upon it. No one knows how to react to this situation because it is unprecedented in history, but it becomes by all means a central issue of concern affecting all sectors of the community.
It follows that ASPO finds itself in a central position as more and more attention turns to the critical issues: not so much of Peak Oil itself but rather the vision of the new world that opens on the other side of Peak. Over the past year, ASPO has seen the creation of national affiliates around the world, each dedicated to developing better knowledge of this vital subject in the context of local circumstances.
ASPO ITALIA is to be complimented on organising the 5th International Conference, with the help of its sponsors in Italy. It is to be held close to Pisa where Galileo demonstrated that the Earth revolved around the Sun, making it an appropriate place in which to consider the constraints of Nature. It promises to be an important occasion and a milestone leading to the integration of many diverse elements into a common determination to draw attention to this vital issue with its far reaching impact on the very future of Mankind.
Honorary Chairman
The Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas
Honorary Chairman
The Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas
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ASPO-5 Conference
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Location The 5th workshop of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO) will be held on July 18-19, 2006 in the park of San Rossore, about 5 km from downtown Pisa, in Italy. San Rossore is a large park, partly woods, partly marshes and partly beaches. The conference will be held at the entrance, a place named “Cascine Vecchie” and the sessions will take place under a tent (do expect a warm weather, informal attire is suggested). The complete address of the conference location is: ENTE PARCO REGIONALE DI MIGLIARINO S. ROSSORE - MASSACIUCCOLI 56122 PISA (PI) - LOCALITA' CASCINE VECCHIE 10 Tel: +39 050 539111 Pisa is known for its leaning tower, which has an “official” web site at http://torre.duomo.pisa.it/. It is also known for the “Piazza dei Miracoli” (“Square of Wonders”) where the tower stands together with the cathedral and the medieval cemetery. You may find the square a bit too touristic, but Pisa is an interesting town in itself, for its medieval architecture and its university, one of the most ancient in the world. From Pisa, you can easily reach Florence (about one hour by train) and other interesting places in Tuscany: Siena, Lucca, Volterra, Arezzo, and many others. Local Transportation The organizers of the meeting will provide a free bus service to and from the conference location and the areas in downtown Pisa where most hotels are located. Two buses will run on the 18th and 19th from 8:30 am to 10:30 am and from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. A bus service will also be provided from 10 pm to 11 pm for those who will attend the conference dinner in the park. The itinerary of the buses will be: - Piazza Stazione - Piazza Manin (near the "miracles square") - Park of San Rossore Venue to Pisa
The International Airport “Galileo Galilei” in Pisa is located at about 6 km from the conference location. Alternatively, arriving at the “Amerigo Vespucci” Airport in Firenze, you can reach Pisa by train in about one hour. Trains for Pisa leave frequently from Firenze’s central station “Santa Maria Novella.” Another possibility is the "G. Marconi" airport in Bologna. From Bologna to Pisa, you need to change train in Firenze for a total trip of about 2:30 hours. Finally, you may fly to the "Leonardo da Vinci" airport in Fiumicino, Rome, where many international flights land. To get to Pisa from Rome, you can use the "Eurostar" train that takes you to Florence in less than 2 hours. The whole train trip from Fiumicino to Pisa should last around 3-4 hours. By Train You can find the timetable of the italian railroads (in English) at www.trenitalia.it. The closest station is "Pisa-San Rossore". From there, in principle, you can walk to the conference site (if it is not too hot). However, only local trains stop there. Long distance trains arrive to Pisa central station. From there you can change to San Rossore or take a taxi to the conference site, as mentioned before. By Car Wherever you are arriving from, you’ll reach Pisa driving along the A12 highway. Take the exit “Pisa Nord” and follow the signs for “Parco di San Rossore”. You can’t miss it. There will be plenty of parking space at the conference site, parking may be more difficult in downtown Pisa. The 5th International Conference on Oil and Gas Depletion Organized by the Association for the study of Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO) San Rossore (Pisa) Italy, 18-19 July 2006 Conference web site: http://tinyurl.com/c9b38 ASPO web site: www.peakoil.net Italian section of ASPO: www.aspoitalia.net Contact person: Prof. Ugo Bardi Dipartimento di Chimica, Università di Firenze e-mail: |
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5 international aspo conference

The objective of the ASPO-5 conference was to raise the awareness of the impending peak of oil extraction and the general phenomenon of depletion of all mineral resources. The experts who convened at the conference gave a strong warning that the depletion of mineral resources, and of oil in particular, will have an important effect on the structure of society and on the economy. It is necessary to develop geological and economical models describing depletion and political action is needed in order to reduce the impact of depletion.
The organizers of the conference would like to thank all the attendees, as well as the conference staff for making the event possible, stimulating and enjoyable.
- Video of the closing speeches of ASPO-5 by Kjell Aleklett and Colin Campbell (recorded by Pietro Cambi)
The Organizing Committee
- Ugo Bardi (chairman)
- Kjell Aleklett
- Roger Bentley
- Colin Campbell
- Peter Gerling
- Jean Laherrere
- Rui Rosa
Local Organizing Committee
Ugo Bardi (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. )
Federico Baldi (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. )
Luca Pardi (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. )
Martina Di Ferdinando (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. )
Claudia Borri (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. )
Media Contact: Toufic el Asmar (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. ) - (Please address all queries relative to media coverage of the Conference to Mr. El Asmar)